50 Fresh Java Games 2008 | 12 MB
A fresh new collection of Java Games released nowadays. enjoy the 50 game with your allowable java devices, cell phones, pda, ... etc
>3d Motogp 07_176x208
>aSnake 176
>Cod Apocalipse _176x208
>FatMan _k700
>Guess Who _se_k750
>Medal of Honor _se
>Poseidon _176x220
>RFM 176x220
>Settlers _176x220 _en_
>Smania _176x220
>Spiderman 3 Puzzle _se_k750
>Transformers _k700
>3d Juiced 2 _176x220
>Bricks Egypt
>Crash -arena- 3d _176x220
>Fm Magicaldice _se_176x220
>Hummer 3d _176x220
>Mongol _se_k700 k750
>Nightmare _bc_ se_k700
>Prince of EGYPT 2 _se_176x220
>RoboCop _k700
>ShadoWalker _176x220
>Solid _ru_
>The Witcher Crimson _se_k700_176x22
>ufo Predator 220
>Allied Heroes_ se_k700_176x220
>carlossainzral _se_k750
>Crazy Penguin
>Gameloft Assassins Creed v1.1.0.SE.K750i
>Kasparov _k700i
>Mr. Sudoku _k700
>Nu Pogodi _se_ 176x220
>Pub Mania _176x220
>Robots _k700
>Silenthill _rus_
>Solid Weapon
>Thursday the 12th 176x208
>XIII2 _176x220_v2
>Angels Demons _k750
>Casino Manager _k800i
>Demolition _arena_ sonyericsson _k700
>God of War _se_ 176x220
>lma _2007_k750
>Mtv Cribs dj mansion
>Pirates _2_s60
>RF 2008_K700i_RUS_
>Sims _2_ mobilerus
>Space Guerillas _176_rus_
>Tiger Woodspgatour 07 _se_ 176x220
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